Frequently Asked Questions
Are all Springfield MRI & Imaging Center employment opportunities listed on this site?
No, not all of our current opportunities at Springfield MRI & Imaging Center can be found on this site. We strongly encourage you to search and apply on-line for positions that interest you. If you do not see what you are looking for please contact your local center.
I did a search but didn't see the right job for me. Should I submit a resume/CV anyway?
Yes. By submitting your information online, your resume/CV is made available to our hiring managers and recruiters companywide. New jobs are posted continually, so if you don't find a job opening right now, come back soon and look again.
I applied to a Springfield MRI & Imaging Center job opening - what happens next?
When you apply online to a specific job, you will receive an acknowledgment via email, and your information immediately becomes available to the Springfield MRI & Imaging Center recruiter and hiring manger responsible for the position. Our hiring managers and recruiters review applicants to match them with hiring needs. Candidates to be interviewed are contacted directly by the hiring manager or recruiter.
Will my personal information remain confidential?
Yes, Springfield MRI & Imaging Center respects your data privacy. Your candidate information will be added to our database and will be accessible only to Springfield MRI & Imaging Center Associate hiring managers and recruiters. We will not share your information with outside parties.
What are your selection criteria?
Candidates who are selected will possess five core competencies that are the basis for success at Springfield MRI & Imaging Center:
- Commitment to Customer Care
- Results Oriented
- Personal Work Ethic
- Building Business Partnerships
- Creativity and Judgment
Will there be pre-employment testing?
Yes, all employment offers are contingent upon a successful pre-employment background investigation which includes reference checks, criminal record checks and drug testing.
When am I eligible for healthcare and dental benefits?
Full time employees are eligible for coverage beginning the first of the month following 30 days of service.