Welcome to Springfield MRI & Imaging Center.

Like most first-time healthcare experiences, an imaging procedure can be stressful and expensive. That's why we make every effort to view our business from the patient's point-of-view. We know patients want an accurate study that is performed quickly and as cost effectively as possible. Service for us means customer service - treating each patient exactly how we ourselves would like our family and loved ones to be treated.
Springfield MRI & Imaging Center...Provides our patients and referring physicians with these high-quality imaging services:
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA)
Computed Tomography (CT)
Ultrasound (General, Vascular and Echo)
Has professional, certified technologists and board-certified, fellowship-trained radiologists dedicated to delivering thorough, accurate and prompt reports while providing high-quality, compassionate patient care
Offers flexible scheduling; same-day or next-day appointments available most days (insurance permitting)
Provides 24-hour report turn around as a standard of business, and upon request, can provide 2-hour call reports for STAT appointments
Is a preferred provider with extensive managed care contracts
Offers convenient, covered, free parking
Offers a relaxing outpatient environment
Offers discounts and payment options for our uninsured patients
Offers a lien acceptance program for liability cases